Cecile Richards is the co-founder of Supermajority, which describes itself as a new home for women's activism that is fighting for gender equality. Before that, she spent 12 years as the President of Planned Parenthood, a that provides to 2.5 million women annually.
Public service and activism are part of Cecile’s DNA.
Her mother — Ann Richards — shattered conventional wisdom when, as a woman and a Democrat, she was elected Governor of Texas in 1990.
In the seventh grade, Cecile was taken to the principal’s office for wearing an armband in protest of the Vietnam War.
In the eighth grade, she brought food to the strikers on a picket line in her hometown of Austin.
Her first job after college, was as a union organizer in New Orleans, helping hotel workers trying to get by on minimum wage.
Cecile has been called “the most badass feminist EVER” and “The heroine of the resistance”.