192: Joanna Coles - "The Story Teller"

192: Joanna Coles - "The Story Teller"

Are You Leading A Team Or A Group Of Individuals?

Joanna Coles is the CEO of Northern Star Acquisition Company, the former Chief Content Officer for Hearst Magazines, and former Editor-in-Chief of Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan.

Creative businesses win or lose based on how successfully they take disparate, talented individuals and combine them together to produce extraordinary outcomes. Whether that’s ads or code or clothes or cars or content or ideas.

As Joanna says, we’re moving into an era of heightened individualism.

186: Kerry Sulkowicz - "The Psychoanalyst"

186: Kerry Sulkowicz - "The Psychoanalyst"

Seeking The Truth.

Kerry Sulkowicz is the leadership confidant and psychiatrist. Kerry works with leaders across the world and is also president-elect of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

In most organizations, leaders sit or are placed on a pedestal. There is a structural hierarchy that directly affects the flow of information.

When we allow ourselves to believe that the structure itself provides us with all the information that we need, we run the risk of never knowing what we don't know.

184: Michael Wolff - "The Parent"

184: Michael Wolff - "The Parent"

A Story of Hope.

Michael Wolff is perhaps best known for Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, which topped the New York Times best seller list for several weeks in early 2018.

If we have learned anything from 2020 and 2021, it is that we cannot know what 2022 will bring.

The story we tell future generations about how we met this moment will depend on how we approach what comes next.

With frustration and old rules.

Or with grace, originality and some humor.

183: Judy Jackson - "The Culture Curator"

183: Judy Jackson - "The Culture Curator"

Why Great Leaders Are Honest About Their Weaknesses And Their Strengths.

Judy Jackson is the Global Head of Culture at WPP which makes her responsible for providing the vision and strategy for building a culture that embraces 100,000 people.

There’s no one size fits all approach that satisfies that brief. It’s a role that requires a three dimensional view of human beings.

182: Raja Rajamannar - "The Live Well Leader"

182: Raja Rajamannar - "The Live Well Leader"

How Do You Want To Spend Your Time On The Planet?

Raja Rajamannar is the Chief Marketing & Communications Officer for Mastercard and is also President of the company’s healthcare business.

What do you want to do with your life? What do you want to spend your time on while you are alive?

These are questions that scare us.

But when we are willing to confront them, the answers unleash such reservoirs of possibility, that soon we cannot imagine why we lived for so long without the clarity and confidence they provide.

178: Umber Ahmad - "The Accelerating Leader"

178: Umber Ahmad - "The Accelerating Leader"

How A Pandemic Tried To Destroy Her And Why It Failed.

Umber Ahmad is the founder of the rapidly growing bakery, Mah Ze Dahr.

Leadership is most visible when we are confronted by the twists and turns that life brings us.

When faced with these moments we quickly discover whether we are a leader in name only, or whether we are willing to confront the challenges of whatever lies ahead.